Saturday 21 April 2012

Time Management

During the construction of my magazine, time management was very important to me. In order to help with my time management, the construction was split up into five parts which made it easier for me to complete my magazine.

Monday 5th December - Photos for front page, contents and DPS
Friday 14th January - Front Page complete
Friday 27th January - Contents
Friday 3rd February - DPS article draft 
February 27th - DPS complete.

Theses deadlines helped me to review whether I was being efficient enough with my time. Although I must admit keeping to some of the deadlines seemed harder than I thought (due to me carelessly losing my USB a couple of times). Also the first deadline out of the all five of them was the most hardest because my model was in university and was in his exams season, moreover it cost me around eighteen pounds, fifty-six to travel from my house to his university. Also because I wanted to make sure all the images I take come out very vibrant and detailed in colour, I used my friend canon camera. However in order to get the camera I had to wait three days as she does a photography course therefore her camera was unavailable to me, and that took up a lot of my time. Altogether the deadline did give a good structure, and contributed very well to my time management.

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