Monday 2 April 2012

Interview - Double Page Spread

Performing under pressure is what DohDan does best.  After spending a few years on the Rap Nation side lines, the time had finally arrived for him to show the world what all the hype was about.  Would he go the way of past rapper protégés who showed potential but failed (Lil Wanye)?  Or would he deliver an album that matched the quality of the hip hop mixtape of 2010 – I Da One. In this interview I get the inside and out of DohDan
Dan thank you so much for inviting me onto the set of your latest song ‘I’m Da King’, it’s been a long time, what’s been happening in your world?

You’re welcome chick, and yeah girly my life seems to be getting more exclusive by the days, to the extent the only person that seems to get my attention these days, is money ya feel me?

Wow Dan I am in no surprise that money still rules your world from the last time we met but what about family, don’t you speak to your parents anymore?

Look my name isn’t Dan no more, Dan was when I was a child, now I’m, DohDan ya hear me, anyway girl, I have so much love for my mama you should know that, but as for my family I classify that to be just my mama no one else. (He flicks his now chewed up toothpick across the room which swiftly enters the bin) ha I’m not only the king in the rap game but in the ball game as well ya see that

Moving on I’ve heard that you have a green book in which you write all your rhymes but you don’t carry that book around. Why?  

When I was young, I would run into the local store, Londis, and just buy a packet of wine gums and skittles – anything to get a paper bag. And I’d write the words on the plastic bag and stuff these ideas into the pocket until I got back. Then I would transfer them into a green notebook, leaving it a home. As I got further and further away from my home and green notebook, I had to memorise these rhymes – longer and longer. By the time I got to the first album, I was 18, I didn’t need a pen or paper – my memory had been trained just to listen to songs, think of the words and put them to record.

So you’ve always wanted to be a rapper?


Next your new album…

Yeah girly

With the hit single ‘I’m Da King’ there has been a few rumours that artist such as Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa has slammed the idea of you being the king of rap. What’s your view on that?  

Well in this rap game you get a lot of haters, that which must be Wiz Khalifa and West. But let me put this to them, who was the first rapper to win best international rapper…erm me …who got platinum on ten singles in one album which contained eleven songs…erm ME! So I have every right to answer to the title of the king of rap.

See many rappers think once you’ve reached the top the hard work is over, no! The higher you get the more your friends become fake and people start to hate. People who would not even acknowledge your presence, let alone talk to you being acting like they have supported you from day one; look chick I was born a king and the all those haters Wiz, West, yes I’m talking to you, you can never take my position as the ultimate King of Pop.

I see you don’t classify any other rapper to be competition to you?

Girly if I told you the answer to that question, then I would have more than half of the rappers in the music industry wanting my obnoxious ass dead.

Having sold 2 million copies of your last album; with your new album now are you going to use the same tactics or change your strategy?

Well one of my great tactics that has been with me and brought great success is change – having a different album each time is what I believe would attract more people. You must have heard my last album I had a lot of ballads with the hottest singer in the game, Mary J Blige, Beyonce, Rihanna, I had it all

So what can we expect from this album?

Well following my tactics I am hoping to mix rap and dub step together, giving my album a new favour.

Do you think this will separate you from other rivals?

Nope, I know! Many rappers reading this interview may attempt to do the mix that I have just mentioned but I guarantee you no matter how hard they try it will never be the same because God blessed with a talent that I believe is rare to get. That why my albums always leave the shelves empty it has that swag to it, ya feel me?

Well DohDan I must admit this interview has shown me how exclusive your life is, but before we draw to a close I just want to know, well I think majority of your female fans want to know. Is there a woman in your life?

Well beautiful not at this present moment, but you can tell them girlies that you seem to be catching my eye.

(Shuffling in my seat, I major to squeeze out awkward laugh) Hmm DohDan I’m sure that would cause a riot, let’s not. Anyway thank you for your time and once again thank you for accepting to do an interview with Buzzin magazine.

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